As the dark days slip by and the stress piles on, it’s vital we take the time for ourselves to rest, restore and refocus. A soothing bathroom ritual offers a moment of tranquillity in the storm.
2020 has taken its toll on us all. There’s no hiding away from the strain and upheaval the Covid-19 pandemic has caused. And even psychologically resilient CEOs aren’t immune. Research shows that 42 percent of senior leaders were at high risk of burnout during lockdown, with younger leaders and women even more susceptible.*
It’s not hard to see why. Isolation, uncertainty, remote working, increased childcare responsibilities, health and employment concerns, and less time away to relax and recuperate all add up, leaving us drained, depressed, and incapable of functioning on full power.
Something’s got to give. Whether it’s our work slipping or our relationships souring, the cracks will start to show sooner or later. We can’t be perfect employees or exemplary bosses and wonderful partners, parents, children, or friends. Most of us will struggle to be either. Our decision-making will be impaired. We will make mistakes. We will fail to live up to our own expectations.
With little end in sight, it’s not enough to dig in and hope you can handle it. Fortunately, there’s a better solution.
Taking a modicum of time for yourself every day to unwind is essential. No, not a luxury that might happen once every other conceivable chore has been ticked off, but an indispensable item on that list that can’t be overlooked. Give yourself unbridled permission to stop and soak up some serenity.
There’s nowhere better to do this each day than your bathroom. Light some candles and languish in the tub to let the day fade away, or stand undisturbed in the shower as the water and heat soothe you. Make a moment of it with Sop’s Dene Bergamot and Black Pepper Bodywash, infused with essential oils blended to transport your senses and lift your spirit.
Stay a while in this sanctum, practising mindfulness, reading something joyful, or just closing your eyes and doing nothing at all. Forget the frustrations of the day and all that ‘needs’ to be done, and surrender to your new favourite ritual.
*Source: Insider, September 2020.